Getting Started With Asterisk

The Collectors' Network

Installing Asterisk

What you have here is a link to a very LONG page that has to do with installing Asterisk. It was written as a generic guide to installing Asterisk, and, as such, has no instructions at all about how to actually configure it for use on the C*NET. It is, however, an EXCELLENT step-by-step getting-started guide. If you follow it exactly, not leaving out any of the steps, you WILL end up with a working Asterisk box, running on Red Hat Linux.

A couple of things, before you begin:

  1. Install Linux on the PC you'll be using. There are a number of distributions online, and will work fine, as long as you compile in all the source code that Asterisk will require. A good place to get started is The Fedora Project
  2. When you're done, come back to here to get the configuration files you'll need to actually join the C*NET.

OK. It looks like you're ready to go. Grab a coffee, Mountain Dew, or other chemical stimulant, and click on the link below:

Y'all come back, now. Hear?


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C*NET is a project of participating members of TCI, ATCA, the UK's Telecom Heritage Group, and interested others.

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